Councillors who attended the meeting Item 1 | Lynn, Payne, N Parry, James, G Parry, Hall, Judd |
Apologies for Absence Item 2 | Bowring, Cannon |
Declarations of Interest | Councillor N Parry – Trustee Sully Library Councillor Judd - Jubilee Playgroup/Sully School Minor Authority Representative Governor/Saving Sully and Lavernock Group, Trustee Sully Library Councillor Lynn - Evenlode Rep/Lib Dem Councillor Payne – Employed WAG |
Decisions taken at the meeting. (See below agenda items and the relevant resolution) |
Agenda item 3 | The community council agreed that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Full Council on the 10th February 2025 were an accurate reflection of that meeting. |
Agenda item 4 | The community council agreed the payment schedule as prepared by the Proper Officer and explanations were given where appropriate |
Agenda item 5 | Representatives of external bodies provided updates to the meeting Councillor Judd - Sully Primary School – The councillor advised that there had been no recent meetings but there is a meeting next Tuesday. Councillor Lynn – Evenlode School – The Councillor advised that a recently planned meeting had been cancelled and re arranged for April. Councillor James – Chemical Advisory Board –The councillor advised that the next meeting is on the 25th March and he will be in attendance. Councillor Parry – Community Liaison Panel – The councillor advised that the meetings are held quarterly so she had no update. Councillor Lynn – Section 6 Obligations. The councillor advised that there had been a number of meetings regarding amphibians and pond life. This was relevant to the work the wild life trust were engaged with at Lavernock point. Others related to the identification of garden birds. There had been some engagement with local groups regarding the need for the identification of the local bats and where they are roosting. VOGC Locally elected members, Councillors Gilligan and Mahoney - There was no response from Councillor Mahoney, however Councillor Gilligan sent apologies as she had a previous engagement but was hopeful of compiling a report for distribution to the community council. |
Agenda items 6 | There were no members of the public present at the meeting. Therefore the Chair moved to the next item of business on the agenda. |
Agenda item 7 | The Proper Officer and Councillors gave an update as to various meetings attended and projects and events. The Proper Officer had distributed correspondence received from the Sully Centurions regarding their use of the cricket pitch and Pavilion. This was discussed by councillors and a number of actions will need to be completed before a formal response can be given to them. Councillor Cannon had attended a meeting with the website provider. Actions have been agreed at that meeting which will be implemented. |
Agenda item 8 | The Community Council agreed to the continued membership of One Voice Wales |
Agenda item 9 | The community council agreed and accepted the following documents which had been reviewed by the Proper Officer. Financial Regulations, Finance Committee Terms of Reference, Financial Reserves Policy, Scheme of Delegation Policy, Procurement Policy and Debit Card Usage Policy. They will be adopted until their next review |
Agenda item 10 | The Proper Officer advised that a pre planning application had been received in respect of land at Hayes Road, Sully. The parcel of land had, over recent months, been turned into somewhat of an “eyesore” by its new owner, who had submitted plans for its future use, which had caused an outcry from local residents and users of nearby facilities. This most recent pre application shows a change of use more in line with the local LDP. It was discussed and it was agreed that Councillor James would prepare a suitable response for the approval of the Community Council. |
Agenda item 11 | The issue of speeding vehicles at Cog Road and Parking issues at Glastonbury Road was raised by Councillor Hall who had been approached by local residents. The matter was debated and it is apparent that some routes through the village are more popular than others, with various reasons for this. There were a number of lines of enquiry and actions for the Proper Officer to follow up. |
Agenda item 12 | The Community Council agreed and accepted the Financial Risk Assessment prepared by the Proper Officer. |
Agenda item 13 | The proposed date of the next meeting of the Community Council is that of the Finance Committee. The Proper Officer advised that he could not make the original published date. The date of the next meeting is likely to be Monday 7th April 2025. |
Part 2
| The Chair made the declaration regarding the confidential nature of the items to be discussed in Part 2. Members of the public were excluded from this part of the meeting. |
Agenda Item 1 | There were no items that were subject of discussion in part 2 of the meeting. |