In accordance with the provisions of the Local Authorities (Coronavirus)(Meetings)(Wales) Regulations 2020, the meeting was held by way of the remote participation (Zoom) of the members of the Council and public. The Community Councils remote meetings protocols applied.
Part 1
1. Minutes 17/25
· Steve Oaten (Proper Officer)
· Vicki Judd (VJ)
· Kay Bowring (KB)
· Nicky Parry (NP)
· Jackie Payne (JP)
· Robin Lynn (RL)
· Martyn James (MJ)
· Dave Cannon (DC)
· Graham Parry (GP)
· Christopher Hall (CH)
· None
2. Declarations of interests. (Previously verbally disclosed and as the councillors were in attendance applies to all meetings) 18/25
· JP. Works for the WAG
· VJ. Jubilee Playgroup/Chair of Governors and Minor Authorities Rep Sully School/Saving Sully and Lavernock Group/Trustee Sully and Lavernock Community Library Trust
· RL. Council Rep Evenlode School/Member of the Liberal Democratic Party
· NP. Trustee Sully and Lavernock Community Library Trust
3. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting 19/25
· The community council agreed that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Full Council were an accurate reflection of that meeting. Councillor Judd abstained as she was not in attendance for the full duration of the meeting.
4. To approve the schedule of payments 20/25
· The community council agreed the payment schedule as prepared by the Proper Officer and explanations were given where appropriate.
5. To receive a report from representatives of external bodies at Sully Primary School, Evenlode School, Chemical Advisory Board, Community Liaison Panel and Section 6 Update 21/25
· Representatives of external bodies provided updates to the meeting
· Councillor Judd - Sully Primary School – The councillor advised that there was an item that she would raise in part 2. Other than that, the only item from a recent meeting was attendance issues which was endemic of the VOG at the moment.
· Councillor Lynn – Evenlode School – The Councillor advised that he had recently attended an assembly at the school. There were the usual monetary issues but had nothing further to report.
· Councillor James – Chemical Advisory Board –The councillor advised that the next meeting is on the 25th March and he will be in attendance.
· Councillor Parry – Community Liaison Panel – The councillor advised that Insp Gareth Childs, South Wales Police gave an update. There had been low level protests in St Athan where Afghans are currently being housed. A meeting is due to be held on the 6th Feb. Barry 24/22/24 there was an assault against a 12-year-old girl by 13 & 15 year olds. Following this there has been a police presence within schools affected by it, for support of pupils. Barry area 14/12/24 a man was charged and remains in custody for a drug related GBH charge which involved a drug feud and a machete. A pub in St Brides Major had cooking oil, left outside the pub, stolen. Someone from London was caught and charged with 5 offences. Penarth 7/1/25 a large amount of cocaine was recovered and the offenders were charged, pleaded guilty and will be sentenced next month. Auto crime in Barry & Rhoose – 2 individuals involved, known to police. The initiative to support farmers against lamping, trespass, damage to land and threat to farmers is ongoing until the end of February. Problems have reduced since the initiative was started last year. Service Group Manager from South Wales Fire and Rescue covering Cardiff & Bridgend, Martin O’Keefe updated that there had been 259 fire related incidents over the last year – an 8% increase 106 accidental non domestic 36 accidental domestic – 14% decrease in lithium battery fires 153 deliberate fires – a 37% increase Vehicle arsons – an increase linked to anti-social behaviour. Some cars were deliberately targeted. 76 road traffic accidents where the fire service have attended – an increase of 17% just in the last quarter. Increase in special services – water rescues increased. Sharp increase in medical responses. Community Safety – they visited 63 schools
A vacancy for a member of a town or community council to join the Public Services Board for a period of 2 years was discussed and Cllr Carl Hadley from Colwinston Community Council was voted by the Vale members to be the PSB representative. Cllr Shirley Hodges was thanked for her contribution to the PSB now that her term had ended.
· Councillor Lynn – Section 6 Obligations. The councillor updated the meeting that the recent garden birdwatch was somewhat poorly reported, probably due to the poor weather. He had recently attended a One Voice Wales presentation regarding Bats habitat and encouraging development.
6. Democratic Half Hour. The public were invited to make representations on business being transacted at the meeting or propose items for the agenda of the next meeting (Time constraints applied) 22/25
· There were a number of members of the public present at the meeting. Mr Richard Thomas, member of Our Future Communities Group, was invited by the Chair to update those present with regard to the Feasibility Study for the proposed Linear Park. He was looking at approval for the Community Council to pay an invoice which will then be covered by a Stronger Community Grant. The Community Council agreed they would consider the request. Other questions relating to Jubilee Hall and Section 106 monies were answered by the Proper Officer or addressed by councillors.
7. To receive any updates from the Proper Officer and councillors and discuss and resolve upon any further actions required (including but not limited to, Recent Meetings, Allotments, Library Lease etc) 23/25
· The Proper Officer and Councillors gave an update as to various meetings attended and projects and events.
· Mr Richard Thomas updated the council that the BP Clubs committee were meeting on the 10th February when the issue of the Library Lease would be raised.
· Councillor Cannon advised that a further meeting will imminently be arranged with those responsible for the site inspection and survey work at the proposed allotment site, Hayes Road.
8. To discuss and resolve upon the appointment of Mr Paul Egan to audit the councils accounts 24/25
· The Community Council agreed to the appointment of Mr Paul Egan to conduct the internal audit for the years finances.
9. To discuss and resolve upon a communications strategy with our locally elected Vale councillors 25/25
· The community council have asked the Proper Officer to write to Councillors Gilligan and Mahoney in order to invite them to council meetings, or failing attendance, whether they could provide a written update.
10. To discuss and resolve upon the fees for the use of the cricket square for the season 2024 and season 2025 26/25
· The Proper Officer provided an overview of the situation for councillors. It was agreed that users need to pay fees that would reflect their use of the facilities, which would include the amount of storage provided. Only two responses had been received from users when asked for a contribution for storage. It was agreed that there were a number of factors that needed to be taken into account when it came to deciding fees. This item was ultimately deferred until the next meeting.
11. To discuss and resolve upon various proposals regarding the cricket square from the Sully Centurions Cricket Club and Sully Spartans Cricket Club 27/25
· This item has been deferred until the next meeting as the Proper Officer was asked to write to Sully Spartans, and there were further matters that may need to be discussed at an extraordinary meeting.
12. To discuss and resolve upon the next actions in respect of the councils website 28/25
· Councillor Cannon had distributed a list of possible changes that could be applied to the councils website. A working group will look at the proposals with a view to their implementation along with a proposed newsletter.
13. To discuss and resolve upon next actions in respect of the boiler in the Pavilion 29/25
· This item had been discussed at a recent Playing Fields Working Group meeting where it was recommended to the full council that the boiler be replaced. The Council approved the replacement of the boiler at the Pavilion. All but two councillors voted to its replacement, the two councillors abstained
14. To discuss and resolve upon further actions required in respect of the bowling green 30/25
· The Community Council remitted this item to another meeting. The use of the bowling green would be subject of discussion at a meeting that the Proper Officer and Councillor Cannon were attending with the section 106 officer on the 17th February. They will then provide updates.
15. To discuss and resolve upon the councils new Financial Regulations 31/25
· This item was remitted until the next meeting
16. The proposed date of the next meeting of the Community Council is that of the Full Council on the 10th March 2025 32/25
Part 2
In accordance with section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960. In view of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted the public were excluded from this part of the meeting
The declaration was issued and the public excluded from attendance at part 2 of the meeting.
1 To receive any confidential updates from the Proper Officer and Councillors and discuss and resolve upon any further actions required 33/25
· Councillor Judd updated the Community Council regarding a matter that she had been dealing with.
· A planning matter had been brought to the attention of the Proper Officer. It was discussed and a written response would be provided.
The meeting concluded at 20.45 hours.
Steve Oaten - Proper Officer to the Council. ……………………………………. Chair.